Current Offerings
The Bond Bank is a regular issuer of municipal bonds, although we do not have an active bond sale currently. This page will be updated in the weeks leading up to a bond sale providing details on the offering and key dates.
Please sign-up for our newsletter distribution to be alerted for future bond sales and other Bond Bank updates.
PRICING DATE (expected)
General Resolution
Standard & Poor’s
Outlook - Stable
Date - July 2024
Document - S&P Rating Report
General Resolution
Outlook - Stable
Date - July 2024
Document - Moody's Rating Report
See reports for underlying credit discussion. Ratings subject to change.
million outstanding as of
July 1, 2024
Above total reflects bonds outstanding under the Bond Bank’s General Resolution. See most recent Official Statement.

Follow outside link to access consolidated disclosures and market information about the Bond Bank through the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s (MSRB’s) Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) website.

How to Buy Our Bonds
Step 1: Have a brokerage account
Bonds cannot be directly purchased from the Bond Bank. We expanded the number of institutions with direct access to our bonds to assist investors of all types.
To participate, individuals must have an account with one of the firms shown on the current offering page or with another firm that can place an order through a participating firm.

Step 2: Learn about the bonds.
See our current offering page to learn more about the bonds through the Preliminary Official Statement and roadshow. Contact your brokerage firm with questions.

Step 3: Place your order.
Orders for bonds must be placed on a specific date and time. See our current offerings page for details of when the bond sale will occur.
Executive Director Michael Gaughan
(802) 861-0073
Our borrower base ranges from large institutions to individual investors throughout Vermont. Alongside this diversity is a broad spectrum of questions about the Bond Bank. Large and small, I’m always available and welcome inquiries from current and potential investors.
Michael Gaughan
The materials contained in this portion of the website speak only as of their respective dates. Readers are cautioned not to assume that any information has been updated beyond such dates unless a document expressly states that it constitutes an update of a specific portion of a document. The Bond Bank expressly disclaims any duty to provide an update of any document contained in this section. Any Preliminary Official Statement or Official Statement relating to bonds included on this website is provided only as a matter of convenience. For investment advice on bonds, please contact your investment advisor.
The materials contained in this portion of the website speak only as of their respective dates. Readers are cautioned not to assume that any information has been updated beyond such dates unless a document expressly states that it constitutes an update of a specific portion of a document. The Bond Bank expressly disclaims any duty to provide an update of any document contained in this section. Any Preliminary Official Statement or Official Statement relating to bonds included on this website is provided only as a matter of convenience. For investment advice on bonds, please contact your investment advisor.
The materials contained in this portion of the website speak only as of their respective dates. Readers are cautioned not to assume that any information has been updated beyond such dates unless a document expressly states that it constitutes an update of a specific portion of a document. The Bond Bank expressly disclaims any duty to provide an update of any document contained in this section. Any Preliminary Official Statement or Official Statement relating to bonds included on this website is provided only as a matter of convenience. For investment advice on bonds, please contact your investment advisor.
The materials contained in this portion of the website speak only as of their respective dates. Readers are cautioned not to assume that any information has been updated beyond such dates unless a document expressly states that it constitutes an update of a specific portion of a document. The Bond Bank expressly disclaims any duty to provide an update of any document contained in this section. Any Preliminary Official Statement or Official Statement relating to bonds included on this website is provided only as a matter of convenience. For investment advice on bonds, please contact your investment advisor.
The materials contained in this portion of the website speak only as of their respective dates. Readers are cautioned not to assume that any information has been updated beyond such dates unless a document expressly states that it constitutes an update of a specific portion of a document. The Bond Bank expressly disclaims any duty to provide an update of any document contained in this section. Any Preliminary Official Statement or Official Statement relating to bonds included on this website is provided only as a matter of convenience. For investment advice on bonds, please contact your investment advisor.