Flood Response Resource Page
The Vermont Bond Bank is actively tracking the short term and long term financing needs of Vermont's communities in support of borrowing. Below are a preliminary list of resources and reminders that can aid the rebuilding process. Please contact Loan Officer, Ken Linge (ken@vtbondagency.org) for further assistance.
GFOA Best Practices in Disaster Recovery Cost Documentation
Mintz Memo on When Short Term Borrowings Can be on Tax Exempt Basis
Muni State Aid Acceleration Announcement Locations
Bond Bank Guidance for Reimbursing Capital Expenditures on Tax Exempt Basis
Contact Information for Emergency SRF Planning Loans
Pooled Loan Program Local Counsel List
General Flood Resources
Flood Recovery | Vermont League of Cities and Towns (vlct.org)
Vermont Rural Water Association Flooding Updates
FEMA's "Help After a Disaster" Brochure
Vermont Community Foundation Flood Response and Recovery Fund